Visual Studio Sftp

Azure DevOps Pipelines Extension for build and release pipelines.

  1. Visual Studio Sftp Plugin
  2. Visual Studio Sftp Task
  3. Visual Studio Ssh

Ultimate.NET SFTP Component for C#, VB, and ASP.NET Developers Ultimate SFTP is a 100%-managed.NET class library that adds powerful and comprehensive SSH Secure File Transfer capabilities to your.NET applications.

SFTP / SSH Download task

  • WinFTP Pro – a multifunctional FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3 and SCP client for Windows 10. WinFTP Pro provide secure file transfers between a local and a remote computer by utilizing the Secure Shell (SSH) technology. It also supports the SCP and SFTP protocol. WinFTP Pro also provides basic file management and synchronization functionality.
  • In Visual Studio, choose Tools Options on the menu bar to open the Options dialog. Then select Cross Platform Connection Manager to open the Connection Manager dialog. If you haven't set up a connection in Visual Studio before, when you build your project for the first time, Visual Studio opens the Connection Manager dialog for you.

Download files from remote SSH connection via SFTP client to pipeline agent.



Visual Studio Sftp
  • Source files: remote source path.
    Can be minimatch file pattern. More Information
    Example: **

  • Destination path: agent local target path. May be source, artifact or any other local path.
    Example: $(Build.SourcesDirectory) (default working directory), $(Build.StagingDirectory)

  • SSH Connection - Connection Type:

    • SSH Connection: Select pipeline service connection of type ssh.

    • Hostname:

      • SSH Hostname: Host name or IP address of the remote machine with optional port.
        Example: or hostname:22

      • Username: Username / login.

      • Password / Key passphrase: Provide the password or the passphrase for the private key if using a key-pair. Use secret variable.
        Example: $(sshPassword)

      • Secure File Path: Filename of secure file. Use Download Secure File task and set output variable name (Reference name under Output Variables).
        Example: $(SecureKey.secureFilePath)

  • Advanced

    • Clean target folder: Delete all existing files and sub-folders in the target folder before copying.
  • Output Variables

    • ProcessedFilesCount: Number of processed files.


yaml example:

Release Notes


  • Fixed bug with extension manifest target #3


  • Fixed bug with empty source
  • Added ApplicationInsights


Visual Studio Sftp Plugin

  • Clean target folder option added

Visual Studio Sftp Task


Visual Studio Ssh

  • Initial version (preview)