Clickhouse安装在虚拟机中,在终端执行clickhouse-client可以进入数据库,在Windows的DBeaver连接被拒绝。报错如下: Unexpected driver error occurred while connecting to database ClickHouse exception, code: 210, host:, port: 8123; Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused: connectClickHouse exception, code: 210, host:, port: 8123; Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused: connectConnect to [/] failed: Connection refused: connectConnection refused: connectConnection refused: connect根据提示,将config中监听地址修改为<listen_host>::</listen_host>,Linux下的clickhouse-client不能进入数据库。求解!
DBeaver DBeaver 具有ClickHouse支持的通用桌面数据库客户端。 特征: 使用语法高亮显示查询开发。 表格预览。 自动完成。 ツ环板-ョツ嘉ッツ偲 ツ环板-ョツ嘉ッツ偲 是ClickHouse的替代命令行客户端,用Python 3编写。 特征: 自动完成。 查询和数据输出的语法高亮显示。. Download Latest Version dbeaver-ce-21.0.2-x8664-setup.exe (94.7 MB) Get Updates. Clickhouse: - Table data edit support was added - Tables and indexed create/drop.
Dbeaver Clickhouse Driver
Dbeaver Clickhouse驱动
- 2020-09-15 10:06:53 阅读 130 0.
- DBeaver is a universal database management tool for everyone who needs to work with data in a professional way. With DBeaver you are able to manipulate with your data like in a regular spreadsheet, create analytical reports based on records from different data storages, export information in an appropriate format.