Flutter Unity

  1. Flutter Unity 2d
  2. Flutter For Games

Flutterunity A Flutter plugin for embedding Unity projects in Flutter projects. Both Android and iOS are supported. Animations in Rive are interpolated in real time with your app or game's frame rate. This means you can change the speed at which your animation is playing at any time, like going into slow-motion, without losing any quality. Flutter is Google’s mobile UI framework for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations.

Demonstrates how to use the flutter_unity_widget plugin with Unity3D ARKIT using the Unity Foundation Demo.


Run the sample on Android

  1. Open the unity project and build it: Menu -> Flutter -> Export Android
  2. Copy android/UnityExport/libs/unity-classes.jar to android/unity-classes/unity-classes.jar and overwrite the existing file. You only need to do this each time you use a different Unity version.
  3. flutter run

Run the sample on iOS

Flutter Unity

Flutter Unity 2d

Flutter Unity

Flutter For Games

  1. Open the unity project and build it: Menu -> Flutter -> Export iOS

    Be sure you use at least Unity version 2019.3 or up.

  2. open ios/Runner.xcworkspace (workspace!, not the project) in Xcode and add the exported project in the workspace root (with a right click in the Navigator, not on an item -> Add Files to “Runner” -> add the UnityExport/Unity-Iphone.xcodeproj file

  3. Select the Unity-iPhone/Data folder and change the Target Membership for Data folder to UnityFramework

  4. flutter run