Update 2016: This tutorial is out-of-date. See the repository for alexpeattie.com and the associated README to see how I do it now.
- Readme Syntax Github Example
- Github Readme Markdown Syntax
- Readme Syntax Github Download
- Github Readme Syntax Code
- Github Readme Syntax Highlighting
Readme Syntax Github Example
A few people have asked me how I do the Github-style syntax highlighting on this site. Here’s an example Ruby script with highlighting:
GitHub.com uses its own version of the Markdown syntax, GFM, that provides an additional set of useful features, many of which make it easier to work with content on GitHub.com. ReadMe's React-based syntax highlighter. Contribute to readmeio/syntax-highlighter development by creating an account on GitHub.
This how-to explains my setup on Middleman (which this site is built on), but it should be applicable to any site using Pygments for syntax highlighting.
To enable basic syntax highlighting, we need to add the middleman-syntax gem to our Gemfile
and activate it in our config.rb
We’ll also turn on the lineanchors
option, which we’ll need for line numbering (see below).
Fenced code blocks
The first feature we’ll add is fenced code blocks, a feature of Github Flavored Markdown. This allows us to conveniently specify the language (and thus, the Pygments lexer) of our code:
We’ll need to change our Markdown pre-processor to Redcarpet which supports fenced code blocks. We need to add:
to our Gemfile
and put the following into our config.rb
Github highlighting color scheme
Next we’ll add some CSS to match Github’s color scheme: https://github.com/richleland/pygments-css/blob/146708f9003299106baf05987abf393eae4424fc/github.css
Github Readme Markdown Syntax
We have to make one small change, .hll
needs to be replaced with .highlight
Line numbers
The last thing we’re missing are line-numbers. We’ll implement this in pure CSS, using CSS counters:
Notice the user-select: none;
- this ensures that when the code is selected, the line numbers won’t be selected too, which makes copying and pasting a lot more convenient.
CSS counters will work fine for ~95% of users - and older browsers will degrade gracefully (they just won’t show any line numbers).
Beautiful Android Syntax View with line counter it will automatically highlight the code,you can design your own IDE using this view
Colors can be modified as you want
add this to your dependencies in build.gradle file
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
1st way:
- Step 1: add this to your activity_main.xml or any other activity you want:
- Step 2: add this to your java code
![Syntax Syntax](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13512825/53592910-0a824500-3b76-11e9-91f2-a8040a117f33.png)
2nd way:
3rd way:
Readme Syntax Github Download
User can check if there is an error with the paranthesis in his code , the check will be perfomed for once only when called
- Uploaded Syntax View
- Syntax Highlighting
- Line Number Counter
- Color Flexibility to meet user requirements
- added new method setFont() to change font of the code if you wish to
- changed the default font to a new classic font
- disabled autocorrect (By: MohamedElidrissi)
- removed unused attribute (By: MohamedElidrissi)
- Added Auto Indentation
- Added CheckMyCode Method To Check Code Paranthesis Validity
- Changed the old font
- Added a new method to change the Font
Let me know if you have implemented this library in your app : [email protected] so I can list your app below :)! Apps:
Next update:
Github Readme Syntax Code
- User will have the ability to choose a language like ' C,Java,Python' So we can do a faster UI and Highlighting(feel free to implement this update if you are able to do so)
- You can contribute to this project for missing programming key words so we can include them in the next update.
![Readme syntax github download Readme syntax github download](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KaindlJulian/deep-blue-theme/master/images/react.png)
Github Readme Syntax Highlighting
License : MIT